Sickness as a Portal
Learning how to be sick is just as important as learning how to heal yourself.
In some ways, they are one in the same. How we deal with illness determines if we will come out on the other side more resilient or if we’ll skate by and remain just as vulnerable to dis-ease as we were before.
What is the Fucking Point?
What’s the point of doing all this healing work? What’s the end goal? Why give up all of your favorite foods and your comforts and conveniences? Life’s short after all…
Healing is a Habit
Habit formation is a big part of healing. The work required to both change and maintain habits, or ways of being, isn’t just about leaving sticky notes on your bathroom mirror. It requires a deep look at what we associate with our identity, why, and if that’s truly who we are.
What is a Flower Essence? And do They *Actually* Work?
Practitioners always talk about healing the mind, body, and spirit…but how do you actually go about healing your spirit? We often call on plant medicines to heal our physical bodies, but they can also support the more subtle layers of our being.
Just Getting Started with Herbs? Avoid These 4 Common Mistakes.
Transitioning to natural/herbal medicine often requires a total paradigm shift, especially if you want to go beyond symptom management and get to the root of your health issues.
5 Contributors to Anxiety and Depression + What To Do About It
If you want to get serious about your mental health, you’ve got to take a step back and consider the health of your entire physical and emotional body. To get started, you may consider the following contributors to anxiety/depression and how these play out in your life.
4 Herbs for Grief & Loss
Grief and loss are inevitable in this life. This process looks differently and takes varying amounts of time for each of us. One thing that’s universal: we could all benefit from herbs during the grief process.
Own Your Healing Journey
How you can show up for yourself when seeing a health practitioner.
{Photo by Elle Hughes}